“U.S. Military Arrests All Major Democrat Party Leaders and Charges Them With Treason”?
I wake up every morning for the past 3 years, hoping and anticipating to read the headlines: “U.S. Military Arrests All Major Democrat Party Leaders and Charges Them With Treason”.…
The Only King Worth Following
Since the unelected leaders of No-Nation-Ever started pushing their Terrorist agenda on Americans, having no authority whatsoever over Americans or the USA, it got me to thinking. The supposedly “great…
Worldly Liberal Christians
From Gab.com: https://gab.com/Greg8183 and https://gab.com/Sere56 (featured image) ~ Worldly Christians believe the Bible says the Holy Spirit or Archangel Michael goes away from the world, even though there is not…
Target Now Hiring Transvestites Who Dress in Drag at Work
The man is a Transvestite. His name isn’t “Tammy”, but he was wearing a name tag that read “Tammy” and he was wearing a skirt, with an obvious 5 o’clock…
The Majority of Corporate Hospital Doctors and Nurses Continue to Help With Genocide in Order to Keep Their Jobs.
The title of this article is not an exaggeration. It is spot on, 100% accurate, and it is criminal that these murderers are allowed to continue injecting unsuspecting people with…
The Truth Always Floats to the Surface Eventually
We the People have been lied to for so long, about so much, that it is truly mind boggling – almost unbelievable – to discover what the “Powers That Be”…
Why Not RFK Jr – The Only Electable Rothschild-Democrat Party Candidate?
The Rothschild-Democrat Party has just one viable, remotely-possible electable candidate. No, not Harris. Not Transvestite Michael “Michelle” Obama. Not Hillary “Clintoncide” Clinton. None of the Rothschild-Democrat Party members of Congress…
Here’s Why Everything
In this article, when we say the words “Central Bankers”, we’re not just referring to the Rothschild family. We’re also referring to the Rockefeller family, the Dupont family, the Committee…
The Emperors New Freaking Clothes Again?!
This bulls*** pretending has gotten old – REALLY old. I mean, more than just “old”, it’s gotten outright embarrassing now. Some of you know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s…
The Megalopoly
THE MEGALOPOLY ~ That any corporation, such as BlackRock, Vanguard or State Street, are allowed to buy up controlling interest in virtually every major industry on Earth, is, itself, a…