It’s Time.
My friends, I am so disgusted by the things this fake government is doing to us that I am going to get involved, in some way, to help remove these…
How To Solve the World’s Biggest Problems
To solve the world’s biggest problems, as well as eliminate fake problems like “Climate Change” and “CO2 reduction” scams, fake disease scams like MonkeyPox, Bird Flu and Covid, and eliminate…
It’s Time to End Globalist Terrorism of America
Americans all know that our government is corrupt. The U.S. Government is corrupt, right now. Period. For Baby Boomers, we’ve known it since the ’60’s, and really, we known it…
The WEF War On Humanity
THE WEF WAR ON HUMANITY ~ Members of the infamous global Terrorist group called the “World Economic Forum” (WEF) are openly waging war against Humanity right now. They aren’t hiding…
Not “Homeless“ But Homeless by Choice
15 years ago, the “Homeless” community in Santa Rosa, California looked very, very different than it does today. I know, because I’ve worked with the Homeless for more than 30…
About The Central Banker Terrorist Insurrectionist Pedophile Assassin Liars
From the web (*Title ours ~ And thank you Norman May of Australia for forwarding this to us) The Reserve Bank will shortly begin Stage 3 of its four-stage CBDC…
The Grand Illusion
It is all bullsh*t now, in America. The “news”. The Stock Market. Professional sports. Banking. Financing. Insurance. American politics. Science. TV shows. Mass shootings. Wars. Political parties. Government. The US…
Just the Facts About the US Attack on America on 9/11/2001
This short (6 minute) video is well-worth watching. 9/11 was truly an inside job. Overwhelming evidence reveals that fact. Yes, Republican President George “NWO” Bush was complicit, as was Congress,…
“F*ck you… War.”
When a brave, openly confrontational and defiant independent Journalist like Andrew Breitbart dies suddenly, in 2012, at 43, after declaring war on the Mainstream Media, it wasn’t due to “natural…
“U.S. Military Arrests All Major Democrat Party Leaders and Charges Them With Treason”?
I wake up every morning for the past 3 years, hoping and anticipating to read the headlines: “U.S. Military Arrests All Major Democrat Party Leaders and Charges Them With Treason”.…