September 25, 2021 by Don Cobb, Editor/Investigative Reporter at ~ Over the past 10 years, globalist corporations like Google, Microsoft and Apple have been secretly and incrementally violating our privacy and security, little by little.

I am now unwilling to give up my privacy and/or security and will not accept being stalked 24/7 by these Predator corporations and will no longer accept having everything I say, every call I make, every purchase I make, every search I do, every website I visit, every single text I send and receive, and every single number and letter that I type being logged and recorded by people I don’t even know. I am not willing to sacrifice my privacy and security for convenience or allow these STALKERS to use my personal information so they can make a profit.

I am an American and I value my privacy that has been taken from us all, little by little over the past 10 years and I value my security and I am unwilling to sacrifice either one for any reason or allow this STALKING of my personal life and information to continue.

For those reasons, I am disconnecting from this globalist NWO Communism social media. I am setting up my own server (it’s easy and it’s inexpensive) for internet and email service and I am blocking all Google, Apple and Microsoft-related STALKER websites and services.

I am absolutely confident I will still be capable of staying in contact with everyone who is important to me, researching everything that is important to me and continue to help expose the mass government and Mainstream Media corruption and UN-American activity being practiced by those who are pretending to be “public servants”. I will still be able to help restore this Constitutional Republic and protect my community, state and nation from those who are currently working to destroy our beloved country, locally (City Councils & County Supervisors office), statewide and nationwide, on so many levels. 🇺🇸

By Don Cobb

Grateful and faithful Husband, Father, Pastor, American MAGA Patriot, blessed with the opportunity to be active in my community helping people every day, and excited about Life. Grateful to have finally met my First Love, Jesus Christ, who was patiently waiting in the wings for me! Thank you Lord! #USConstitution #1A #2A

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