September 2, 2021 by Editor Don Cobb ~ My response to a great article on The Daily Caller this morning by Writer VICTOR DAVIS HANSEN: “There’s A Problem In The Upper Reaches Of Our Military”

We saw the 5 years of coordinated messaging from the NWO Propaganda Terrorist Media, making it clear that every Rockefeller-owned Mainstream Media network were no longer engaging in honest investigative reporting but were all getting the same daily script and simply doing what they’re told in exchange for a paycheck. The Mainstream Media is clearly compromised now.California fires started in 2017, right after President Trump took office (what a coincidence), and these annual fires are being called “Fire Season” now, when this

NWO Democrats are terrorizing California just like they’re terrorizing the nation with MSM 24/7 fear-mongering over a virus with a 99.98% survival rate. Our government has been seriously compromised and every intelligent American sees it.
We all had hope that Trump had initiated the Insurrection Act and turned our country over to the Military before the stolen election but it appears not to have happened, and now the Military is clearly compromised like the FBI, CIA, FDA, FCC, NSA, the Department of Education and many other government agencies, as well as the CDC and the World Health Organization.
We get it that the NWO Globalists who own the Military Industrial Complex (manufacture tanks, artillary, fighter jets, all major war weapons) want Americans to rise up and defend our country so they’ll have an excuse for shooting American Patriots, and therein lies the rub. We’re damned if we defend ourselves and we’re damned if we don’t.
I suspect that American Patriots will, indeed, rise up against these NWO Banker Globalist Infiltrators at some point, if this Communist oppressive behavior continues because real Americans (a) are crystal clear that the Democrat Party has been compromised and is now working for the NWO Globalist Bankers and (b) many Americans and Military Veterans have the courage to fight to protect our liberty and freedom for our children, grandchildren, our families and ourselves.
We have little hope left that anyone is going to save us now. Americans are going to live free or die, and like Trump said, “It’s going to get very very bad, and then it’s going to get very very good.”… but not without a lot of innocent American men, women and children’s bloodshed and at the cost of a lot of brave American Patriots’ lives.

Again, great article today. I’m posting this letter on my website at this morning, including a link to your Daily Caller article.
Be blessed and be a blessing.
In His service and yours,
Don Cobb, Editor”