American Nation’s newest site is, where AN staff will present comprehensive 5 part series on how to disconnect from the Globalist Cabal, save our precious nation, retain your right to privacy and stop supporting the very people who are intentionally trying to destroy our country right now.
“Be excited. Be very excited. We are about to tell you how to disconnect from this intrusive, stalking, data gathering Globalist system who tracks your every move, eavesdrops on every call, text and online conversation you ever have, follows you everywhere you go and records your every word, controlling our food supply and virtually every service which the First World uses.
Eff that intrusive, privacy-violating BS. You and I are about to put a stop to this nonsense. We are going to tell you “How To Disconnect”.”
Click here to be begin to learn how you can join the rest of America in disconnecting from Google, Apple, Amazon and the rest of the globalist Racist, anti-White, anti-American corporations who have controlled prices and wages and forced us all into a life in which we spend more time with people we don’t even like than we spend with out friends and families, who have waged war against Americans, stolen the 2020 election, continue to fill our homes with Racism, the creepiest people, filth, violence and sex during Prime Time and use the Mainstream Media as a weapon to terrorize the most timid and gullible viewers. Every globalist corporation who contributes to the racism of BLM contributes to this Sh** Show and it’s time for We the People to end this fraud and charade and DISCONNECT.
These are the steps we use to cut off the head of the ungodly snake: