September 25, 2020 by Pat Riot, Publisher at AmericanNation.net ~ Thomas Jefferson and the Declaration of Independence describes, and the US Constitution provides for, “throwing off a government” when said government becomes tyrannical. Never, in the history of the United States of America, have American seen such a tyrannical government as we see today in this Biden Administration, hiding behind a fake Pandemic which many people believe they created, funded and are now mandating the State Injections, creating panic by murdering unsuspecting people who get the flu in America’s hospitals and who have been terrorized by 24/7 fear-mongering from Rockefeller Corporation (fake) news organizations for more than a year, and so thoroughly terrorized that they’ve become willing to take what the government calls an “experimental” mRNA injection, which any intelligent, informed American knows is not experimental at all. This government knows exactly what this mRNA injection is going to do to those who have been terrorized into taking it.
The colonists of 1776 did not overthrow the British government. At the end of the Revolutionary War the British Government was intact, largely unchanged and in command of the rest of the British Empire. But they definitely threw off that government by meeting head-on the British acts of war against them (the blockade of American ports was an act of war under international law). The colonists declared their independence and then backed up that declaration by fighting off the “invaders” of their now-sovereign land.” More at Face.net…
- Rule by or as if by a despot; absolute power or authority.
- The actions of a despot; tyranny.
- A government or political system in which the ruler exercises absolute power.
- A state so ruled.
- Absolute power; authority unlimited and uncontrolled by constitutional restrictions, and depending only on the will of the prince: as, the despotism of Louis XIV.
- An arbitrary government; the rule of a despot; absolutism; autocracy.
- Figuratively, absolute power or controlling influence.