The world’s best kept secret. It might be a question… a question like this question: “Who is the Bilderberg Group?” Or rather, “Who are the Bilderberg Group?”

Not many people on Earth can answer that question. Very few Americans have any idea who the Bilderberg Group is even though they are fed Bilderberg designed stories and information, misinformation and false information every single day, 24/7, 365 days a year. Even though Americans put Bilderberg Group food on their tables 3 times a day, or else buy Bilderberg produced fast food every time they get McDonalds or Burger King or drink a Pepsi or a Coke, most American have no idea that these products and businesses are all owned by members and close associates of the Bilderberg Group, the wealthiest families on Earth who have created monopolies on all goods which are necessary to survival, yet, the most invisible group of individuals on the planet.

Many Americans, at least in Northern California, are aware of “VIP’s” and world leaders meeting at Bohemian Grove, in Guerneville California from time to time. The Bilderberg Group-owned Mainstream Media always presents such gatherings of Globalist Communists by pointing to some of the best known names of the individuals who attend, like George Bush Sr. (RIP), David Rockefeller (RIP), and Bill Gates Jr., but the Bilderberg Media (BM) never refers to “the Bilderberg Group”, and never talks about what is discussed in private at these meetings of the wealthy and powerful, all of whom are “Globalists”.
That’s because the Bilderberg Media is not in the business of honest, investigative reporting or Journalism. No, the Bilderberg Media in America – CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and FOX News – are not Journalists or reporters and aren’t interested in bringing you “the news” every day. The Bilderberg-controlled Media is in the business of controlling what you know and what you’re told and dictating what you think and believe. That’s it. The Bilderberg Media’s sole goal is to keep Americans in the dark and manipulate public opinion. In short, the BM is just another Communist propaganda machine, owned and operated by wealthy Communists with God Complexes who want to rule the world. They already own every significant corporation on Earth, but they want to own you and I. That, my American friends, is the BM’s goal.

Oh, we’re not done. In fact, we’re just getting started. We can call this “GLOBALISTS vs AMERICA Part I”… and we’re not even done with Part I here. We’ll be back, and we’ll talk about the Bilderbergs, and about the Democrat Party who has sold America out to the Globalists, and we’ll talk about American Patriot President Donald J. Trump who is definitely NOT a Globalist, who has been attacked by the Bilderberg Group and the Democrat Party and the Bilderberg Media (CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, FOX and CNN) since Trump first took office. These things, and more, coming up next…
Pat Riot, Editor/Patriot Journalist, CEO of