The Democrat Party truly is the Enemy of the nation.

Once a proud, racist Left-wing American political party, the Democrat Party has been taken over by Marxist/Communists who have been working diligently to destroy America from the inside.

They are making a concerted effort to promote homosexuality in order to bring down and destroy the American Family, which is foundational to Americanism. They are pushing God as far away as they can in their effort to destroy the Christian and Jewish Church communities. They have occupied the government Education system and are pushing Marxist ideals onto America’s children every single day. The Democrats have occupied the Mainstream Media and are doing their best to demonize Capitalism and all that is truly good.

In our opinion, anyone who still registers and/or votes “Democrat” is either a complete Fool, an ignorant American or a Marxist Communist Traitor to our nation. That’s correct, we said “anyone” who still registers and/or votes “Democrat” is either a “Useful Idiot” (what Democrat leaders call you) or a Traitor and the rest of us need to recognize you all for what you are, and what you’ve become.

The war has already begun here in the USA. The lines are drawn and you are either an American Patriot, willing to fight and die for our Constitutional Republic or you are an ungodly Traitor, who needs to be removed from influence of any kind in America.

That’s right: We are not mincing our words here at You can run but you cannot hide from the truth, and the truth is the Democrat Party is America’s worst enemy right now, and American Patriots need to respond to this concerted attack in a big way.

Are you ready for this… because it’s already begun. Because of you, America will be the nation who was once the greatest, most powerful and prosperous nation in the history of Mankind, or it will remain the greatest, most powerful and prosperous nation in the history of Mankind.  Your call, American. What’s it going to be?

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2 thoughts on “Democrat Party – The Party of Karl Marx”
  1. If it’s up to me then America will remain the greatest most powerful and prosperous nation in the history of mankind. I will not allow the Communist Democrat party to take over our Constitutional Republic and turn it into a Socialist dictatorship like Venezuela . Not going to happen on my shift. Thanks for this blog Pat. We love

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