It’s Nothing a Bullet Can’t Fix
From Chemtrail Pilot speaks out about the Genocide going on above us – It’s nothing a bullet can’t fix.
The Democrat Party has become the Enemy of the nation. Political Journalist Pat Riot takes a good hard look at the facts.
From Chemtrail Pilot speaks out about the Genocide going on above us – It’s nothing a bullet can’t fix.
If you haven’t figured it out yet, allow me to bring you up to speed. Every major war, every “pandemic” and epidemic for centuries, every major Terrorist act against the…
TRUTH BOMB FRIDAY 💣 ~ The People didn’t make them their leaders. These people were INSTALLED by an Insurrectionist government that has been in place and has run the Democrat…
Disney, like virtually every major corporation in America, is owned and/or controlled by the Rothschild/Rockefeller/WEF Criminal Syndicate – aka “The Cartel”, primarily composed of The Federal Reserve Bank/Central Bankers. The…
It is now down to "What are we going to do about it?" It’s that simple.The Conspiracy is real. Is it time yet? 😶
I detest and I am appalled by our corrupt and lawless bureaucracy almost exclusively run by installed, Insurrectionist Central Banker Democrats, actively working to take down the United States of…
This Pedophile Central Banker Criminal Syndicate is destroying our economy by destroying their own brick and mortar businesses right now. That’s a fact, Jack. Budweiser, Target, McDonalds – they’re taking…
May 22, 2022 by Pat Riot, Publisher at ~ American Citizens need to set up our own Justice System immediately. Here’s why: Our entire (US) government isn’t compromised, although…
The US Government has no authority, that we’re aware of, to dictate how we choose to live, or what we do in the privacy of our homes or in our…
Here we are and something DEFINITELY needs to be done now. I cannot continue to ‘do nothing’ anymore. The planet’s freedom and God-given rights depend on the United States of…