Donald Trump Jr., bless his heart, emailed me this morning to ask me: “What do I tell my father?” Here is my reply, in no uncertain terms:
Dear Don,
Tell your father that Conservative Americans are waiting for Republicans to RESTORE OUR DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT to his RIGHTFUL PLACE as President of the United States, and until Republicans DO THAT, we won’t be donating even 1 RED CENT to ANY Republican candidate.

Republicans will not get 1 RED CENT & Americans will not CAST EVEN ONE VOTE until you f’ing Republicans RESOLVE THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION, ARREST the NWO DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS who STOLE that election and HOLD MILITARY TRIBUNALS to determine ALL of their CRIMES AND PUNISHMENT.
Got all that, Don?! Let me know if you or your father (our DULY-ELECTED PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES who is in EXILE right now) have any questions.
So, what do you think? Do you think I was clear? Should I have been more forthright? I think it was fine, too. God bless you, my fellow Americans, and God bless these United States of America. Until our President is restored…