July 7, 2020 – from American social media, by AmericanNation.net Publisher PAT RIOT

…”It’s just a mask” can turn into “it’s just a vaccine” very quickly. And it will, you can bet your bottom dollar on that!
In less than 5 months, our government has successfully divided the country into “obedient mask wearers” versus “selfish people that refuse to wear masks”.
“It’s just a mask, you guys”. It’s for “the greater good”!
Where have we heard this phrase before?
In less than 5 months, our government has dictated what events are acceptable versus unacceptable to attend. Riots are OK, family funerals are not. Standing in a graduation line is a “safety hazard”, but feel free to line up at WalMart, Lowes, and Home Depot.
But it’s “just a mask” & “safety precautions”, you guys.

It’s “just a mask” and “safety precautions” you guys. Oh & here’s a measly $1200 that we stole from you in the first place. Enjoy!
In less than 5 months, our government was able to successfully sway the population into believing that a CASHLESS SOCIETY is a good thing! In the name of a government sponsored virus.

It’s “just a mask” & “heightened safety precautions”, you guys.
In less than 5 months, our government demonstrated how easily people assimilate to “guidelines” (that have NO scientific premise whatsoever) when they are fearful.
What was up with all that toilet paper?

In less than 5 months, our government has successfully instilled fear in a majority of the population in America.
But citizens are not “afraid” of the people in power who are responsible for the removal of their “freedoms”. Instead, they’re fearful of their neighbors and family, human touch, and air.
There are thousands of viruses that *could* affect the population, but these viruses do not matter because MSM didn’t say they do.

Slaves to the system that keeps them oppressed.
How quickly history is forgotten and repeated!
What’s most problematic to me about all of this is that the people who are wearing masks “for the greater good” will be the first to sign up for this shiny new vaccine that’s had 0 longitudinal safety tests against an inert placebo.
What’s more problematic to me is that this Vaccine MAY be the deciding factor in life moving forward.
You thought a mask was inconvenient? Wait until you’re told that you cannot enter a store without proof of the Covid-19 vaccine. Wait until you cannot go to public events, or travel, without proof of having received this vaccine.

You’re kidding yourself if you believe that they’re not going to repeat this behavior with a vaccine.
If people have not protested the occurrences in America over the last 5 months, they will assuredly continue to abide by unsubstantiated “guidelines” that will include a vaccine.
WUHAN VIRUS DEATH RATES (total deaths/total cases)
Conservative states w/Republican Governors:
Liberal states w/Democrat Communist Governors:
New York-7.6%
New Jersey-8.7%

WHY would the FAKE NEWS media be attacking Arizona, Florida and Texas with those BONE LOW death rates?
The mainstream media is in bed with the Democrat Party, CDC, WHO and Communist Chinese Party to use these “VIRUS SPIKES” as a way to attack Conservative Southern states. These are states who have performed ADMIRABLY during this Plandemic. The attack on Conservatism will NEVER end…
The Communists attack on America the Beautiful won’t end until WE THE PEOPLE end it… on November 3rd. 

From TrumpLandslide.com: