The wealthiest families on Earth are terrorizing the entire planet. Their goals (found/stated here in UN Agenda 21) are to overthrow every government on Earth and create what they call a “One World Government”, a dictatorship, run by them, and to reduce the Earth’s Human population to just 245 million people (committing Genocide against 8 billion people), both goals stated openly in their original manifesto “UN Agenda 21” in 1992. These are the families who were behind the NAZI Party in the 1940’s, and these are the families who were responsible for assassinating American Presidents Garfield, Lincoln and Kennedy (JFK). They are dumping poison in our skies, which are causing widespread illness and affecting our crops. They are responsible for the mRNA/Covid Terrorism campaign, to get people to take their injections. They are using the Mainstream Media, which they own, as a weapon against the American People, to brainwash viewers and manipulate viewers’ thinking. These families, including the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the DuPonts, the Cabots and their wealthy Central Banker friends, are responsible for 100% of the terrorism and disease on Earth. They are unelected billionaires with delusions of power and grandeur in their degenerate, Godless minds. The WEF are the World’s #1 Terrorist Group.

They created the United Nations in order to access and attempt to manipulate and control all of the governments of the world. They have infiltrated the majority of the world’s governments at this point (2024), and are implementing UN Agenda 21/30 worldwide, including in the United States, at the Federal, State, County and City Council levels. They are paying City Councilmen and Mayors and Governors and County Supervisors to implement their “sustainability” plan, and many greedy public servants are now serving the WEF by implementing UN A21 goals. Look around your own town, city and county – are you experiencing an increase in homeless, mentally ill and drug addicted transients? Thank your City Council and County Supervisors for facilitating that invasion. Are your city/town/County recklessly building government apartments? That’s a UN A21 dictate.
Why would local City Councils implement UN’s agenda? They’re being rewarded financially, in ways that aren’t obvious. These City Councilmen and County Supervisors are Traitors to the American People and they must be removed from their positions. The WEF has made sure to fund their agents, even locally, to insure they’ve taken control of your local government. None of what we’re seeing right now is normal or natural. It’s all being driven by the WEF/Central Banker Terrorist Group.
The media won’t say it, because the World’s #1 Terrorist Group owns the entire global mainstream media. The U.S. government won’t say it because the World’s #1 Terrorist Group has infiltrated and is running the U.S. Government right now, and has controlled the U.S. Government for the better part of decades (not during Trump’s 4 years, however). A large part of the American People won’t say it because they’ve been brainwashed through ‘television programming’, using the WEF/Central Bankers’ best psychological warfare tools known to Man.
Yes, people we refer to as “Liberals” are really just products of University and television phsychological warfare programming. That’s why they are completely upside down in their thinking, willing to give up their freedom in exchange for ‘government assistance’. These people are not just “Democrats” or “Liberals”; they are brainwashed individuals, which makes them victims of the WEF/Central Bankers war against Americans.
The invasion at the U.S. Southern Border is intentional and has been ongoing. The Arabs and Hispanics and Chinese illegal aliens you now see in your communities were not brought here ‘to get a better life’; they were brought here to take down this nation through street terrorism (Portland, Minneapolis, Seattle, etc.), and they’re all just waiting for the word from their handlers, the WEF/Central Bankers, and they will happily start war on America’s streets. That’s the WEF/Central Banker’s plan.
The WEF/Central Bankers have spent generations hoarding wealth and using it to buy corporations worldwide. They now own virtually every major corporation which provides goods and services to the American people, and they are in the process of systematically shutting down their corporations, intentionally destroying the US economy, pretending that their intentional inflation efforts (manipulating interest rates through the Federal Reserve Bank) is just “the economy is collapsing”. It’s not. THE WEF/CENTRAL BANKERS are intentionally collapsing the economy. That is why America had laws against Monopolies, so that corporate owners couldn’t get so much power that they might destroy America’s economy, which is what they’re doing right now, right before your eyes.
They have compromised the Democrat Party completely, which is why the Democrats in Congress all vote 100% for bills designed to hurt America/Americans, and they have compromised much of the Republican Party, as well, which is why the GOP is doing nothing to stop the Democrats. Congress is virtually ALL in on this effort to destroy this great nation. And then, there’s President Donald Trump, who the WEF/Central Bankers just tried to assassinate. The MAGA Movement is really just the Tea Party Patriots on steroids. We the American People are done putting up with the WEF/Central Banker terrorism and infiltration of our U.S. Government.
Donald Trump is in their way, and Trump is protecting the American people. The WEF/Central Banker fake voting system here in America had intended to elect Hillary Clinton in 2016. They even committed ballot fraud to make sure Clinton got elected. But they didn’t foresee the popularity of an Outsider like Trump gleaning such massive support of We the People. Trump won, and President Trump began to expose the WEF/Central Bankers’ fake news corporations and began to build a wall on our Southern border to stop the intentional influx of Criminals and mentally ill being brought here by the WEF/CB’s. Trump’s 4 years were the best of times, economically speaking, and the WEF/CB’s puppet Biden, after the 2020 Insurrection and mass voter fraud, began to systematically undo all of the good that Donald Trump had done. And here we are.
And just like the United States of America was founded by Patriots and supported by We the People in 1776, the onus to defend this nation lies with We the People, once more. It won’t be the Military who saves us, until We the People rise up in unity and start throwing out these WEF/CB agents in our City Councils and Supervisor Boards. Until We the People unite in demanding to ABOLISH this fake “U.S. Government”, the Military will continue to wait for the will of the People to become clear. Are you ready for this? Because this terrorism and Insurrection Government all ends when We the People unite and abolish this fake government.
We, at, are ready. Are you?