The number of infected Americans was 5 a week ago. After bringing back planeloads of Americans exposed to this disease, the number is 12 today. The intentional spreading of the Coronavirus is on.

As planeloads of Americans return from Coronavirus-infected nations, Americans are bracing for what appears to be a planned Pandemic. Hundreds of people exposed to this deadly disease are now back in the USA, as the US government refused to stop all flights from diseased nations.

Refusing to protect Americans from this deadly disease is tantamount to intentionally exposing Americans to this flu, and the US government is helping to create this Pandemic, not stop it. journalists are not interested in why the US government is intentionally exposing all Americans to this deadly disease. AN staff want to know WHO is intentionally starting an epidemic here in the USA. Who made the decision to bring all of these people back to the USA after being exposed to the Coronavirus, before a cure is found?

AN is very well aware of the UN’s public and published intention to eliminate 95% of the Earth’s human population in the name of “Sustainability”, and clearly, this intentional exposing all of America to this deadly diseaseĀ  is designed to help accomplish that UN goal: Intentionally killing Americans by intentionally spreading the Coronavirus to US citizens.

Your thoughts about US government intentional participation in spreading this deadly disease to America?

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