Despite the title of this article, it’s not a question. I saw a post this morning in which a man suggested we should all be charged a flat tax of 30%, because “that would be less than I’m paying now”. This is what I said in response to brainwashed suggestion:
“Dude, read what you just wrote. “30%”?! What’s up with that?! I’m not giving up 30% of my income to this freaking bloated money laundering compromised government! We don’t need a federal Department of Energy, Department of Education, NASA “Space” hoax scam, etc. or any of the army of attorneys these Constitution-violating Congressmen don’t even USE when they’re writing bills that violate our God-given rights every freaking day.

What we need to do is NOT pay more taxes. We need to ABOLISH this tyrannical government who is censoring people on social media, who shut down churches during the mRNA genocide hoax, who continually and BLATANTLY INFRINGES on our 1st and 2nd Amendment rights in California and New York. There are a plethora of ways they steal our money and we’ve been groomed, generation after generation, to LET THEM take our money. We need to intervene and let people KEEP their money and pay ONLY for a strong military, like our founders intended. We are NOT a socialist country and Socialist programs need to GO, like generational freeloading welfare and government health insurance, and We the People would LITERALLY all be wealthy again. PEOPLE and FAMILIES and the CHURCH always took care of poor and elderly people in the past, not the government.
Again, we need to ABOLISH this tyrannical government and return OUR government to the hands of THE PEOPLE. We’ll all be wealthy if weren’t paying more than 50% OF OUR INCOME to the government, who taxes us AGAIN AND AGAIN for property we ALREADY paid taxes on when we bought it, for example, and registration fees on vehicles we ALREADY paid registration fees on when we bought the vehicles.
Like Frogs in a pot, many Americans have been brainwashed and groomed for Socialism, little by little over decades, and have lost sight of what FREEDOM even looks like.
I can’t believe you think a 30% tax is a good idea. Unfreakingbelievable. With all due respect, THAT is a sign that our entire population has been brainwashed into forgetting what Freedom really is.” 🇺🇸