January 31, 2022 by Pat Riot, Publisher at AmericanNation.net ~
It’s unbelievable that we’ve allowed ourselves to be conned into valuing a piece of paper more than anything else, and conned into paying so much to watch a single football game, for “entertainment”.
The Rothschilds have GOT to be laughing their asses off at us, since they literally stole all of our nation’s Gold reserves (Fort Knox is empty now) and convinced us that worthless pieces of paper is as valuable as Gold.
Now they’ve used their broadcasting corporations, TV show after show, movie after movie, to edge God out (EGO) and make money the IDOL of so many gullible people.
This has come to a tipping point in my opinion. It is time to abandon the NWO System, all of it, come what may. Hospitals are compromised, our government is completely compromised – we have NO representation in Congress now – our Department of Justice has nothing to do with “Justice” anymore, putting violent criminals back on the street in our communities with no bail every single day, The media is owned by and “entertainment” is produced by Pedophiles, Q****s and godless deranged Degenerates who are targeting Christians and are openly discriminating against White people on TV daily.
If/when we abandon the System, they will withdraw EVERYTHING – medical services, food, medications, everything – the Rothschilds have been allowed by Congress to create a MONOPOLY on every essential industry. But we no longer have any other reasonable choice. Allowing this to continue will only result in Genocide (it’s already begun) and the end of us all.
We don’t have to surrender to any of this. We can fight for our lives and for our freedom. I believe that’s what we need to do now… come what may. We will recover. We are Americans.
Our entire culture will change, big time, and we will return, perhaps, to a more humble life, with horse and buggies, growing our own food, bartering locally to survive.. but it will be the best thing for us all, in the long run.
We’ve allowed ourselves to be put in a position where we are literally at the mercy of godless, degenerate Madmen & Murderers. For our children’s and grandchildren’s sake, we need to become self-sustaining again. Eff those effing people.