WILL SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING ~ The charade isn’t a charade anymore. We know who the Terrorists are, the Terrorists who are responsible for every assassination in American history, and a plethora of other grievous and terrorist acts against the American People.

They call themselves WEF now, but they were previously known as The Bilderberg Group. These are the Central Bankers, which include the Federal Reserve Bank – which means they are using AMERICAN TAXPAYER DOLLARS to fund terrorism against America. The Rockefeller family, the Rothschild family, with their public 1992 U.N. declaration that they are working to create a “one world government” dictatorship and decimate the Earth’s Human population by committing Genocide against 8 billion people, found in U.N. Agenda 21, these are the core individuals who have been waging war against America, who have spent decades infiltrating the U.S. Government and are currently destroying America’s economy from the inside.

And now this. Many of us suspected the Establishment Banker Terrorists would try this. We could see, that after years of using the Mainstream Media as a propaganda machine against President Donald Trump, and after failure after failure of the UniParty Congress charges against President Trump, two impeachements, using the Department of Justice to come after Trump in scores of false accusations which are being treated as criminal charges – all of which have FAILED to bring Trump down – we could see that the Establishment Bankers would probably resort to this, their go-to against anyone with any power who comes against them.

ESTABLISHMENT BANKER TERRORIST ASSASSINATIONS ~ Abraham Lincoln was first. Then President Garfield. In our generation, we saw President John F. Kennedy assassinated by these same families, two weeks after declaring that he (JFK) was going to remove the Federal Reserve Bank from controlling the U.S. Treasury. President Ronald Reagan made the same declaration, and the Establishment Banker Terrorists shot Reagan.

Here is the reason Americans call the Establishment Media “Fake News”. THIS is what the Washington Post published after Trump’s assassination attempt. THIS is how deceiving the Fake News shows are, and THIS is why some Americans still support the fake government in Washington DC.

And now this assassination attempt on President Trump. We keep asking ourselves, “When will somebody DO something about these Establishment Banker Terrorists? Where is Seal Team 6 when we need them most? Why are the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, their other flunky co-conspirators like the Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, the Royal Family, who bankrolls a lot of these terrorists acts, why aren’t these families in prison yet? What is it going to take for true Justice to be done in regards to these Global and American/Domestic Terrorists who have been stealing our tax dollars through vast money laundering schemes like NASA and other infiltrated/compromised government agencies?”

DEMOCRAT-UNIPARTY TREASON ~ Why have We the People allowed Hillary Clinton and Barry Soetoro/aka Barack Obama to get away with a multitude of Treasonous acts against our country and not even CHARGE THEM WITH THEIR CRIMES? Hillary smashed laptops and smartphones with a hammer after her devices were subpoenaed by Congress, which is a felony, by the way. Spying on Trump’s campaign? Felonies. False accusations of “Russia! Russia! Russia!” when it was CLINTON AND OBAMA who were colluding with the Russians: Treason. I’ll tell you why, in part: The Mainstream Media keeps people completely delusional about what’s going on in America now.

FAKE NEWS IS JUST THAT ~ And here (photo; right) is the reason Americans call the Establishment Media “Fake News”. THIS is what the Washington Post published after Trump’s assassination attempt. THIS is how deceiving the Fake News shows are, and THIS is why some Americans still support the fake government in Washington DC, who uses a Dementia-ridden old man as their proxy-President. Fake News is called that because what they publish and broadcast is FAKE news, like the Washington Post ridiculous nonsense. It’s not even worth commenting on any further. It’s FAKE news.

We know, here at American Nation, that most Americans support President Donald Trump. Most of us know that the Democrat aka UniParty overthrew the U.S. Government and our legitimately elected President on 11/3/2020, committing INSURRECTION and TREASON against the U. S. Government. We also know, most Americans, that the DOJ and the FBI are no longer doing their jobs for We the People. So most Americans know that because government never fixes itself, it will be We the People who fix this government. As Americans stockpile guns and ammunition at a rate unheard of in American history since the 11/3/2020 Insurrection and overthrow of the U.S. Government, we Americans are also preparing ourselves for war… because that’s what this is. War.

The Central Bankers, who found a way inside the U.S. Government through President Wilson in 1913, when the Federal Reserve Bank was established as the manager of the U.S. Treasury, have infiltrated the U.S. government completely now, putting their co-conspirators on the inside as heads of virtually every government agency that exists to protect the American people. They have infiltrated every government agency they needed to, in order to protect themselves from We the People. The DOJ, the FBI, CIA, FCC, FDA, NSA are all compromised now. None of those agencies are protecting Americans from anything, and that is their job, and it’s their reason to exist.

And now? Now it is up to us, my fellow Americans. We at AN see no other viable solution to what is clearly war against the American people. WE must unite and take a stand against these Banker Industrialists/Globalists, before our country is completely decimated, because THAT is the goal of these Banker Terrorists: Destroy the United States of America, force America to lose WWIII and take our Constitution away, which acknowledges our God-given RIGHTS to Freedom and Liberty and personal autonomy which they have already subverted and taken from us through endless law-making and exorbitant taxes and fees. That means we can abolish every compromised government agency now. We the People can do that… and we need to do that.It is up to US, my fellow Americans, and most of us have the same demand on our hearts and our minds

SOMEBODY DO SOMETHING ~ Somebody DO something… so We the People don’t have to handle this ourselves. But guess what – We the People need to handle this ourselves. That’s why the Second Amendment; to protect the First Amendment and every other God-given right we are all born with.

Our prayers are with President Donald Trump and his family right now, which is also AMERICA’S family, our legitmate First Family. As we prepare our long-awaited, much overdue response to these Establishment Banker Terrorists, let us pray for one another and pray for our nation, in Jesus’ name. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Phil 4:13


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