Not. Our. Government.

NOT. OUR. GOVERNMENT. ~ “That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not…

Being Played By Both Sides?

From BIG ~ This Q meme from 2018 ends with “Justice coming”… and yet… No justice. What’s happened since then? Nothing but distractions. Obama caught spying. That’s Treason. Hillary…


BIG TRUTH is about exactly what it’s name implies: BIG TRUTH. The new BIG TRUTH website at doesn’t subscribe to the political correctness of the Establishment Monopoly/Big Pharma/Big Pedophile/Big…

Tired of the Treason Yet?

Are you tired of the Treason yet? The ongoing, Obama-led, Rothschild financed Treason that has taken place – and still is taking place – in OUR government, in OUR Congress,…