welcomes to the suite of Patriot websites! is an honest and independent Fact Check team who engages in independent fact checking and provides results, regardless of Political Correctness, official political/government positions, popular opinions or assertions to the contrary and regardless of popular but untrue/inaccurate public opinion(s).
From “We have no agenda except to present and check the facts surrounding all activities which might threaten We the People, the citizens of the USA and/or our beloved nation, the United States of America, the most powerful and prosperous nation in the history of the world, the most recognized Constitutional Republic, not “Democracy”, on Earth.
We at have researched world circumstances and world politics for more than 50 years and have found that so much Mainstream Media (New world Order-owned Media) information has been distorted, ignored and intentionally misrepresented by all of the major American Mainstream Media

corporations (NBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, FOX) which are all owned by wealthy New World Order Globalist (a soft, misleading and Politically Correct way to say “Communist”) families and their partners for whom said disinformation and misinformation are designed to hide, protect and/or mislead American viewers and readers from the Truth about their dangerous actions, behaviors and agendas, both public and secret, which are ultimately working toward creating a global government dictatorship (New World Order or NWO). These NWO families also control the United Nations, are responsible for the “Climate Change” fear-mongering and do their best to control American viewers’ thinking and beliefs by the dissemination of false news reports, character assassination of anyone who is not a NWO Globalist, all designed to hide their terrorist activities against the USA, China and the entire world. These are bad people in high places who own virtually all 151 major corporations which provide all essentials to the civilized, First World nations, such as food, clothing, power, information, automobiles – virtually everything that civilized nations use today, the NWO families control it all.

Fact Checker Fun Fact: It is estimated that these NWO families have hoarded approximately 95% of the world’s wealth, with China and the rest of us sharing the other 5%. promises to provide accurate and thoroughly researched information about America, Americans and all of the other nations on Earth, particularly those nations who are most seriously and directly affected by the activities of these wealthy Globalists and their Globalist-minded partners. Our goal is to keep our friends and all Americans as best informed about the world around us, including all efforts to remove the sovereign nation status of the United States of America and/or to create a worldwide Communist dictatorship which is currently endorsed by the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Vatican (Roman Catholic Church) and a disturbing number of First World nations who have signed onto, and have been actively implementing UN Agenda 21 and Agenda 30. rejects the notion of “Conspiracy Theory” regarding these Globalist entities and corporations and their activities worldwide. There is nothing “theoretical” about their actions which are clearly and undeniably attempting to create a worldwide Communist dictatorship, using the guise of “Sustainability” to cloak their actions which are clearly and undeniably designed to create their idea of a global “New World Order” (NWO), “One World Government” (OWG) and a global Communist dictatorship which they control while pretending to work for the common good of Mankind.
We have no agenda except to present and check the facts surrounding all NWO terrorist activities which might threaten the United States of America, the most powerful and prosperous nation in the history of the world, the most recognized Constitutional Republic – not “Democracy” – on Earth.
We at are proud to be one of the fine American Patriot websites who are all providing information designed to inform and empower readers with the information necessary to defend and protect these United States of America. See our sister site at for more information about how you can help protect our nation from Globalist

Our first warning: Don’t take any mandatory vaccine from the government. A government of the people, by the people and for the people would never demand that you accept a forced vaccination under any conditions. Only terrorists with an evil agenda would demand you accept a mandatory injection/vaccination. You won’t be put in prison, and you won’t be denied food, like the NWO Media propaganda is already saying in order to try to scare us into accepting this government vaccine. Read 1984 – George Orwell had great incite into people with too much money and too much power, and that’s what we are witnessing right now. These NWO terrorists are insane, trying to control the entire planet because they are deluded and they are all literally insane. Mass Genocide is only planned by insane people, and that’s what the NWO UN Agenda 21/Agenda 30 plan states, that 95% of the human population will be eradicated by 2030 – unless we take our nation back from these NWO terrorists. Now you know, so you can’t not know.”