This isn’t about a virus with a 99.96% survival rate.
When they made us all wear masks, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they separated us all from one another, it wasn’t about the virus.

When they used the Media as a weapon to engage in fear-mongering 24/7, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took the Fourth of July from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took Halloween from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took Thanksgiving from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took church from us, it wasn’t about a virus.
When they took graduations from us, it wasn’t about a virus.
When they took our jobs from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took our small businesses from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took our childrens’ schools from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took movie theaters from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took our parks from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took our Oceans from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took Little League from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took ball games from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took concerts from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took our safety from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took our security from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took our peace from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
When they took our communities from us, it wasn’t about the virus.
They’ve taken many things that we hold dear. It isn’t about the virus.
They’re trying to keep us in fear.
They’re trying to break our spirit.
They are trying to destroy our nation.
They are trying to destroy our past.
They’re trying to destroy the world’s economy.
They’re trying to make all of us dependent on the State.
They are trying to take our future from us.
They are trying to take control of us – all of us.
This isn’t about the virus.
This is an attempt to create a New World Order.
Don’t cooperate. We’ll never get back what we let them take from us.
It’s time to stop cooperating with them, and it’s time to arrest those who are responsible.
Joe Biden takes his orders from someone. Who is it?
Gavin Newsom takes his orders from someone. Who is it?
Andrew Cuomo takes his orders from someone. Who is it?
Nancy Pelosi takes her orders from someone. Who is it?
Fauci, the CDC, Gates and the WHO all take their orders from someone. Who is it?
They’re all taking their orders from someone. Who is it?
Biden, Newsom, Cuomo, Pelosi. Gates, Fauci and the other Democrats need to be held accountable and they need to pay for their crimes.
We’ll deal with their bosses next.
And now there is the massive voter fraud.
This has gone on long enough.
That’s a fact…
These people need to pay for their crimes and it needs to happen now.