From American Nation sister site ~
THE PLAN TO WIPE OUT MANKIND ~ There is a plan to wipe out most of Mankind, and most people don’t even know about it. It’s not a “conspiracy theory”; it’s a fact, and you can look it up for yourself here. United Nations Agenda 21 was published in 1992, yet oddly, very few Americans have read it, or, even more oddly, few people even know that UN Agenda 21 exists. We intend to change that, here at AN’s new sister site
We have provided you a copy of the Agenda 21 PDF file (click here to download or read), so you can read it for yourself, and see for yourselves how the Fake US media has lied to us all about Agenda 21/30. A21 is every evil thing you’ve heard it is, and it is not a “conspiracy theory”. It is a fact that these wealthy, globalist, Satan-worshiping, Central Banker Pedophile Lunatics, who wrote Agenda 21, and who own virtually every major global corporation on Earth, are planning a vicious end to your life and mine, and they’re implementing that plan right before our eyes, in your community and mine.
We will present to you a comprehensive, easy-to-understand list of UN Agenda 21/30 goals, and on what pages these diabolical goals are listed, in the document called “UN Agenda 21“.
Hang on, it’s coming.
Next: THE LIST – Everything You Need to Know About UN Agenda 21, Because You Didn’t Even Know UN Agenda 21 Existed