NO “high crimes” or “misdemeaners”. President Trump has committed NO IMPEACHABLE OFFENSE and Democrat Party leaders KNOW IT, and SO DO WE THE PEOPLE!

Fake “impeachment” is a desperate attempt to SMEAR President Trump because Democrats have NO electable candidates for 2020. THAT is what THIS is all about: A desperate attempt to smear the President because Trump has ALREADY proven he’s got the 2020 Presidential election in the bag!
We are seeing the END of the Democrat Party, as they self destruct right before our eyes. Taken over by Communist One-World Government dictatorship Deep State operatives, Democrat Party leaders have been PAID OFF by the Deep State Cartel and are possibly acting under DURESS… or else they are simply Communists. We suspect the latter…
We the People don’t have to put up with these desperate Democrat Party crimes. We can remove every Democrat Party politician in one fell swoop by a REPUBLICAN SWEEP in 2020! #RepublicanSWEEP2020