Everything the Mainstream Media tells you is a lie. There isn’t a single media narrative taking place right now that is 100% true because the media is owned by New World Order Globalists and the Globalists have an agenda called “one world government“ (OWG), which is another way to say “global dictatorship”.

The ungodly-wealthy Rothschild and Rockefeller families have been working on that OWG for generations. The only thing standing in their way today is the USA and the 379 million guns we 80 million gun owners own.
COVID-19 is not a virus. It is a set of symptoms, And it is such a long set of symptoms that if you have allergies, muscle aches from gardening, making love or jogging or even just a common cold, you’re accused of having COVID-19 and your employer will insist that you go get tested… again.
They are terrorizing you with the common cold now. The variants are all imaginary, made-up names with which to keep you afraid. These NWO people are so desperate to get this mRNA injection into your body that they have now told private corporations to threaten to fire you if you don’t get it.
This is war, my fellow Americans, and it’s time that we Americans fight back.