May 25, 2021 by Pat Riot, Publisher of ~ Great news about our newest endeavor called “American Nation Homeschool Network“! We are setting up a homeschool system that will allow children to get a healthy education, allow parents to go back to work and not have to worry about the Leftist Marxist, Racist Predators who have infiltrated government-run public schools and this will give Grandma and Grandpa and retired folks the opportunity to impact their own communities in a positive way and make some money working for 2-3 hours a day!
It is American Nation’s answer to the sickly public school Marxism and anti-American/anti-White Racist teachers who have taken over the Teacher’s unions and government-run public schools. We may have already discussed this on, but we will have more information soon at!
Praise God! Be excited! Our kids will be safe again and America has begun ridding itself of the creepy, godless, immoral people who are posing as “Teachers” in order to indoctrinate our children into their foolish Marxist beliefs!!!