Pat Riot and his new band American Nation have become fed up with the Traitors in Congress and the liars in the NWO Terrorist Media and decided to do something about it!

Partnering with producer Don King and friends, Pat wrote, recorded and co-produced his new Patriot Rock anthem called “Eff Those Effing People (Forget Those Freaking People)” and it is available for pre-release at Pat’s BandCamp website here.
Check it out Pat’s new song “Eff Those Effing People” and let Pat and his band American Nation know how you like it! PatRiotAndAmericanNation.Bandcamp.com
I love your song! And your lyrics nailed it! I especially like the end when you’re laughing and saying “I don’t know, hon!” This former Army brat will help you “drive those rats from Washington!” Keep putting out more patriotic songs, Pat Riot! God bless you!