DEMOCRAT PARTY LEADERS are running scared – What has appeared to be “hate” for President Donald Trump turns out to be far more complex than that. Democrat Party Leaders who have been trying to impeach President Trump (first mention of impeachment came just 3 hours after inauguration) ongoing for three years aren’t just ‘filled with hate’ for Donald Trump. Oh no… this effort has nothing to do with “hate”, really.
Democrat Party leaders are desperately trying to remove President Trump from the White House because Democrats know that President Trump will discover exactly what crimes Democrat Party leaders have committed over the 8 years prior to Donald Trump’s 2016 Presidential election victory.
Democrats are worried that their criminal behavior over the past 8 years of the Obama administration will be discovered. Democrats thought they had Hillary “Killary” Clinton coming into the White House in 2016, which would have facilitated more crime, more secrecy and instead, Donald Trump is in office with a heart for America and a desire to clean out the Swamp!
So all of this “hate” is really fear-based panic, in which Democrat Party leaders are afraid their crimes will be exposed by President Trump’s investigations. We’ve already learned that Democrat/Liberal leaders have been actively involved with Child Rape, child abductions and Pedophilia after Jeffrey Epstein’s “Child Rape Island” was discovered. American Nation suspects that the flight lists, upon which are suspected that we will find the familiar names of ex-President Bill Clinton and many other high-profile Democrat Party and Liberal leaders, Hollywood producers and actors and Mainstream Media hosts.
We cannot wait until that depraved, degenerate, criminal child abduction/child rape business is exposed and that all involved will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Please pray with us that this evil is exposed, made public and prosecuted to the maximum penalties allowed by law.
AmericanNation.net supports a Republican SWEEP in 2020!