February 12, 2022 by Pat Riot, Publisher at AmericanNation.net ~
Shopping for an AR15 as a surprise gift for my wife for Valentine’s Day this morning, I found this note on ClassicFirearms.com: “This item is not available to ship to the following state(s): California“.

Undeniably, CALIFORNIA is DENYING American Citizens our Constitutional 2nd Amendment rights. California’s Communist Democrats have BANNED this gun when every other state acknowledges our RIGHT to own this gun, and no California Attorney has stepped up to challenge the Communist Democrat Party illegal and unconstitutional overreach?
Why have California Communist Democrat Party politicians banned this weapon, when I’ve purchase several semi-automatic firearms over the past 2 years? Is it because this gun LOOKS ‘scarier’ than a Glock or a Smith & Wesson MP?! Are CA Communist Democrats really denying Citizens our Constitutional rights because of how this gun looks?! It certainly appears so. This, my fellow Americans, is the level of ignorance that Liberalism Disorder renders those who are afflicted with LD.
And why hasn’t any California Attorney SUED over this, a lawsuit that any Attorney will surely WIN?! Perhaps We the People need to step around California Attorneys and take matters into our hands, moving forward, and file lawsuits like this without using an Attorney. Clearly, licensed California Attorneys appear to be as compromised now as the DOJ, FBI, Department of Education, the Rothschild Mainstream Media, etc.
Do Californians need to purchase firearms in other states until California Communist Democrat Party laws are overturned by the US Supreme Court?