Speaking Truth to Big Liar
Those of us who are Awake, know. Those who are still locked in Media-Induced Psychosis/Trump Derangement Syndrome (MIP/TDS), don’t know. Those who are Awake cannot help the MIP/TDS awaken. We’ve…
Those of us who are Awake, know. Those who are still locked in Media-Induced Psychosis/Trump Derangement Syndrome (MIP/TDS), don’t know. Those who are Awake cannot help the MIP/TDS awaken. We’ve…
Yes, it will be traumatic to give up our electricity, nice cars, grocery stores, banks, television, corporate jobs, etc. – but they are ALREADY DESTROYING OUR ECONOMY, so all of…
NEW website from AmericanNation.net Creator PAT RIOT: My Contention (MyContention.net) contention – /kən-tĕn′shən/ noun The act or an instance of striving in controversy or debate. synonym: conflict. A striving to…
I don’t know if you think someone is coming to save us, but it’s not true. No one ever saved America from tyranny except Americans. That’s the way it was…
By Daniela Collins @Dpcollin (https://gab.com/Dpcollin)· From https://gab.com/Dpcollin/posts/113059691898104681) The Evil Intent and Purpose of the Committee of 300 is to Bring to Pass the Following Conditions: A One World Government and…
By Daniela Collins @Dpcollin (https://gab.com/Dpcollin)· THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT: In 2018 it was already decided to remove President Trump from the White House. Trump will never be allowed to win the…
OLD WORLD ORDER 2024 by Stew Peters. Definitely worth watching on Bitchute.com. Our history has been fabricated. The official timeline of our recent past, does not match our reality. Our…
Its time. Its time to abolish America’s completely corrupt and compromised tyrannical government. We have ignored this issue for far too long. It’s time to handle it. Now. Right now.…
Despite the title of this article, it’s not a question. I saw a post this morning in which a man suggested we should all be charged a flat tax of…
CITIZEN ALLIANCE ~ New American Nation website: New AN website, CitizenAlliance.net, is exactly what it it says: Citizens get allied here, with one another, acting in unison and connecting nationwide…