Welcome to our preview of, where we discuss what many Americans believe is a missing tool which will make Americans strong again: Vigilante Justice… and, we will enjoy sharing…
Welcome to our preview of, where we discuss what many Americans believe is a missing tool which will make Americans strong again: Vigilante Justice… and, we will enjoy sharing…
AOC just texted me to solicit me to give money to her. This is her text to me: “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez here. If you are watching the news right now and…
With the recent actions by China to “cut the cord” on Americans, I consider that all the more reason to return to a simpler, more local way of life here…
From BIG Welcome to, where we talk about the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and their Globalist Banker Terrorist Banker friends, openly and honestly. Upon closer scrutiny, many people believe…
From American Nation sister site ~ THE PLAN TO WIPE OUT MANKIND ~ There is a plan to wipe out most of Mankind, and most people don’t even know…
I don’t give the Sickos my attention anymore. The Crossdressers, the Transvestites, the Pedophiles and the Queers, I mean. I’m done with the 1% trying to bully the rest of…
Those of us who are Awake, know. Those who are still locked in Media-Induced Psychosis/Trump Derangement Syndrome (MIP/TDS), don’t know. Those who are Awake cannot help the MIP/TDS awaken. We’ve…
Yes, it will be traumatic to give up our electricity, nice cars, grocery stores, banks, television, corporate jobs, etc. – but they are ALREADY DESTROYING OUR ECONOMY, so all of…
NEW website from Creator PAT RIOT: My Contention ( contention – /kən-tĕn′shən/ noun The act or an instance of striving in controversy or debate. synonym: conflict. A striving to…
I don’t know if you think someone is coming to save us, but it’s not true. No one ever saved America from tyranny except Americans. That’s the way it was…