February 23, 2024 ~ We’re heading for another Presidential election and we think it’s prudent to help prepare this nation’s Citizens for ways We the People can protect ourselves from a rogue government. We first introduced the AMERICAN RESTORATION STRATEGY in July of 2020, and we’re re-introducing it again today.
Designed to help you and every other Citizen identify every Traitor or Globalist Co-conspiritor who might be sitting on local City Councils, county Boards of Supervisors, Mayor’s offices or state legislatures, we’ve put together a comprehensive, proactive, easy-to-implement strategy designed to rid this nation of the Enemy Within.
We’ve created two files that you can download or access here for free. Like Dave, from X22Report.com always says: “It’s all you need to know” about cleaning the garbage out of your local government.
April 23, 2023 ~ Our new Citizens Rights Coalition‘s mission #1 is about uniting in our effort locally, but nationwide, in order to remove all Criminal elements from our government. We will be systematically laying out a Fool-proof plan to take this nation back from the Rothschild-Democrat Party Criminal Syndicate/World Economic Forum (WEF). This will be a nationwide effort of the People, by the People and for the People.
First two Initiatives are these – Initiative 1: Put a stop to the Chemical Dumping that’s been going on in America’s skies for years now, without accountability, responsible reporting or transparency. Even the planes are unmarked, though we know they are U.S. Military. We know that these are unmarked, unidentifiable U.S. Military planes because the U.S. Military would surely have shot down any plane without clear and identifiable markings who is engaging in this Chemical Warfare against the American People, if it weren’t a covert Military operation.
Initiative 2: Working locally, in every small town and big city in these United States, We the People begin to investigate and identify every City Councilman’s and County Supervisor’s voting records. These voting records are public record. What we’re looking for are any/all laws, ordinances or mandates which support U.N. Agenda 21/30’s plans which include references to “Sustainable/Sustainability”. Sustainable/Sustainability are words which cloak the U.N.’s actual goals of (1) reducing the world’s population by 95% (Genocide against 8 billion innocent people) and (2) the destruction/elimination of all Sovereign nations, including the United States of America. Checking every Councilman’s/Supervisor’s voting record which approve and/or support efforts which implement U.N. Agenda 21/30. Take note of names, dates and bills/laws/ordinances in which each member has approved/supported implementation locally.
Check back soon, we’ve only just begun. American Nation’s new CITIZENS RIGHTS COALITION intends to unite all patriotic Americans in this effort to take our nation back from the Rothschild-Democrat Party Criminal Syndicate/WEF who has infiltrated every level of our government, locally, state and national level. But we will all begin locally… nationwide. That is our goal, and never forget: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
May 27, 2021 Update by American Nation/Sonoma County Patriots Co-Founder PAT RIOT ~ Sonoma County Patriots has laid out a simple plan for the removal and replacement of Leftist/Communist/Liberal government employees, such as School Board members, City Councilmen, Mayors and County Supervisors. This is an update to talk about what YOU can do to put control of our nation back in the hands of true American Patriots who are Godly and principled people who are law abiding and courageous, and not prone to being paid off by NWO Communists, like the entire Democrat Party and too many of the Republicans sitting in Congress today.
“What YOU can do.” What can any of us do about this war being waged against us all? It’s simple.
- Turn off CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, PBS, CNBC. Do it now. They are terrorizing you in your own home with a 24/7 stream of bad news and fear-mongering. Turn those channels OFF. Do it now.
- Check in regularly with the new trusted independent news sources like One American News Network (OAN), Epoch Times, and other true news sources who are exposing this war. There is a reason these news sources have risen to the top among Moderate & Conservative Americans: they tell the TRUTH about what is actually going on in our country right now.
- Connect with your pro-America friends, local Patriots, Veterans groups and militias in your area, and make the effort to learn which neighbors are patriotic Americans who are as concerned as you that our nation has been taken over by an illegitimate President and the nations #1 Domestic Terrorist group (the Democrat Party, who funds Antifa and BLM terrorists). There is no denying that America’s government-run public schools have become Marxist indoctrination centers for America’s children and your Constitutional rights are being trampled daily.
- Love thy neighbor – from a distance, sometimes. Invite your neighbors over for coffee, iced tea or a beer and get to know them a little. Find out which neighbors are faithful, grateful Americans – and which are radical Leftists who hate our country. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. It is important to This nation has been compromised. The good news is there are far more Americans who love this country than those who hate America. It only takes an hour to get to know your neighbors. Yes, it might be uncomfortable at first, meeting people you don’t know, but it will be well worth the effort in order to stand with others in unity. It is important to know who your friends are, and who your enemies are. Many of these Leftists support taking down our Constitutional Republic form of government, in favor of Socialism (Communism Light), and many are psychotic now, and will turn you in for loving your country. Your Leftist neighbors probably cannot be trusted. Never lose sight of that important fact. They consider YOU their “enemy”. That is how psychotic they’ve become. Surround yourself with strong Americans and you will become stronger, as well.
- Secure your local government. Remove and replace any/all Leftist/Liberal county Supervisors and City Council members. It is the Leftists who are actively destroying our communities right now, pushing the United Nations agenda rather than a pro-American agenda. Look around… is your city/town becoming a homeless camp? It’s not because “times are tough”. Leftists/Liberals are solely responsible for making times tough. It’s because these Liberals are intentionally turning your city and mine into a homeless camp, like a Third World country in order to steal our hope, create depression and hopelessness, ultimately render everyone reliant on the government and make you think/believe “you need the government’s help” to survive – which is all bullcrap. This Marxist-influenced government, even at the local level, is THE PROBLEM, not the solution. The solution is to remove those Leftist Marxists from positions of influence (City Councils, Mayors, County Supervisors, school boards) and replace them with principled Americans who love our country. That will stop the destruction of your town/city and mine, and will provide real help. We will provide more information about how you can help clean out the Leftist Mayors, your town’s/city’s City Council and county’s Supervisors on AmericanNation.net. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
This will be a great start. As we gather together in our communities again, formulate a plan to protect ourselves, our homes, our businesses and our communities from these godless Leftist activists and Marxist Terrorist groups (Antifa; BLM) and trust in God, our nation will begin to roll back onto it’s Right side. The American Dream will be restored, our communities will become safe again and America will be restored to the amazing nation that it is, that it’s always been, until the wealthy Bilderberg Group began their plan to take down America more than 100 years ago.
United we stand, divided we fall. Stop buying into the division. Americans are NOT Racists. Only Racists see Racists everywhere. Remember that, too.
We’ve identified the Enemy. God will protect us as we take steps to protect ourselves and our communities. All that’s left is for us to get started.
Free your community from Leftist/Liberalism influence.” Start today. Turn off your TV and let’s talk.
May 2, 2021 Update by Sonoma County Patriots Co-Founder PAT RIOT
In our previous July 12, 2020 article, SCP laid out a simple plan for the removal and replacement of Leftist/Communist/Liberal government employees, such as School Board members, City Councilmen, Mayors and County Supervisors. Today let’s talk about getting control of our nation back in the hands of true American Patriots who are Godly and principled people that are law abiding and courageous, and not prone to being paid off by NWO Communists, like the entire Democrat Party and too many of the Republicans sitting in Congress today. From AmericanNation.net on
“What can you do? What can any of us do about this war being waged against us all? Simple.
- Turn off CNN, ABC, NBC, FOX, MSNBC, CBS, PBS, CNBC. Do it now. They are terrorizing you in your own home with a 24/7 stream of bad news and fear-mongering. Turn those channels OFF. Do it now.
- Check in regularly with the new trusted independent news sources like One American News Network (OAN), Epoch Times, and other true news sources who are exposing this war. There is a reason these news sources have risen to the top among Moderate & Conservative Americans: they tell the TRUTH about what is actually going on in our country right now.
- Connect with your neighbors, local Patriots, Veterans groups and militias in your area, and make the effort to learn which neighbors are patriotic Americans who are as concerned as you that our nation has been taken over by an illegitimate President and the nations #1 Domestic Terrorist group (the Democrat Party, who funds Antifa and BLM terrorists). There is no denying that America’s government-run public schools have become Marxist indoctrination centers for America’s children and your Constitutional rights are being trampled daily. Invite your neighbors over for coffee, iced tea or a beer and get to know them a little. Find out which neighbors are faithful Americans – and which are radical Leftists who hate our country. As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. It is important to This nation has been compromised. The good news is there are far more Americans who love this country than those who hate America. It only takes an hour to get to know your neighbors. Yes, it might be uncomfortable at first, meeting people you don’t know, but it will be well worth the effort in order to stand with others in unity. It is important to know who your friends are, and who your enemies are. Many of these Leftists support taking down our Constitutional Republic form of government, in favor of Socialism (Communism Light), and many are psychotic now, and will turn you in for loving your country. Your Leftist neighbors probably cannot be trusted. Never lose sight of that important fact. They consider YOU their “enemy”. That is how psychotic they’ve become. Surround yourself with strong Americans and you will become stronger, as well.
- Remove and replace any/all Leftist/Liberal county Supervisors and City Council members. They are actively destroying our communities right now, pushing the United Nations agenda rather than an American agenda. Look around… is your city/town becoming a homeless camp? It’s not because “times are tough”. Democrats are solely responsible for making times tough. It’s because these Liberals are intentionally turning your city and mine into a Third World country in order to steal our hope, create depression and hopelessness, render everyone reliant on the government and make you think/believe “you need the government’s help” to survive – which is all bulls***. This Marxist-influenced government, even at the local level, is THE PROBLEM, not the solution. The solution is to remove those Leftist Marxists from positions of influence (City Councils, Mayors, County Supervisors, school boards) and replace them with principled Americans who love our country. That will stop the destruction of your town/city and mine, and will provide real help. More information about how you can help clean out the Leftists from your town’s/city’s City Council and county’s Supervisors can be found on SonomaCountyPatriots.com. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
This is a great start. As we gather together in our communities again, formulate a plan to protect ourselves, our homes, our businesses and our communities from these Marxist Terrorist groups and trust in God, our nation will begin to roll back onto it’s Right side. The American Dream will be restored, our communities will become safe again and America will be restored to the amazing nation that it is, that it’s always been until these wealthy families began their plan to take down America more than 100 years ago.
United we stand, divided we fall. Stop buying into the division. Americans are NOT Racists. Only Racists see Racists everywhere. Remember that, too.
We’ve identified the Enemy. God will protect us as we take steps to protect ourselves and our communities. All that’s left is for us to get started.
Free your community from Leftist/Liberalism influence.” Start today. Turn off your TV and let’s talk.
July 12, 2020 ~
Sonoma County Patriots Mission statement: We, the members of Sonoma County Patriots, in order to form a more perfect community, establish justice, insure accountability within our local, state and federal governments, provide for the common defense (2A), promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this organization to provide leadership accountability and security and protection of all Constitutional rights for the citizens of the United States of America.
Sonoma County Patriot “American Restoration Strategy” w/Special Teams: Sonoma County Patriots need volunteers for these identified teams/committees in order to bring accountability to local, state and federal government, restore a healthy, Constitutional Republic-minded government and help inform a seriously misinformed/uninformed public.
- Public Service Accountability Committee: Sonoma County Patriot(s) team to research/review all local City Council/County Supervisors/Mayors/School Board members & 2020 candidates to insure that all are honoring/intend to honor (candidates) their Oath of Office. They committed to it; are they doing it?
Research Mayor, City Council, School Board websites & public social media for public statements which reflect each person’s goals (supports/advocates for Agenda 21?) and establish their intentions for the direction of our government under their leadership. In short: Who are they and are they honoring their oath of office to uphold the US Constitution or are they pushing UN Agenda 21 which seeks to end America’s independent/sovereign nation status? We need to vet these people who wish to be in positions of influence and power. If we don’t vet them, who will? No one.
- Supervisor Accountability Committee: Sonoma County Patriot(s) team to review County Supervisors website, Supervisors’ public websites/pages (i.e. Twitter, Instagram, Facebook) and candidate websites to assess if these Public Servants/candidates are honoring their oath of office.
Research County Supervisor website & individual public social media for public statements which reflect each person’s goals (supports/advocates for Agenda 21?) and establish their intentions for the direction of our government under their leadership. In short: Who are they and are they honoring their oath of office to uphold the US Constitution or are they pushing UN Agenda 21 which seeks to end America’s independent/sovereign nation status? We need to vet these people who wish to be in positions of influence and power. If we don’t vet them, who will? No one.
- Constitutional/Conservative Patriot Support Committee: Sonoma County Patriot(s) team to review/research Sonoma County Republican Party website for information on current 2020 Republican/Conservative Supervisors, Mayoral, City Council & School Board candidates; contact Chairman of Republican Party about offering our (Sonoma County Patriots) support for all Constitutional Conservative candidates.
Consult/coordinate w/local Republican Party leaders/members to identify Constitutional Patriot candidates and offer Sonoma County Patriots support to help these candidates get elected in 2020. We need to vet these people who wish to be in positions of service (also influence and power). If we don’t vet them, who will? No one.
- Art/Meme Committee: Sonoma County Patriot(s) team to develop art/memes for distribution on social media by Sonoma County Patriots members and friends which are relevant and poignant to educate others about the platforms adopted by County Supervisor/City Council/Mayor candidates and candidate platforms which promote Constitutional Conservative values; work to develop a Sonoma County Patriots logo design.
Coordinate information from/with other committees to reveal the unconstitutional-minded candidates and the Constitutional Patriot-minded candidates; create memes and handouts with bullet points (perhaps) that are comprehensive, easy to read/understand for public distribution; develop a SCP logo which accurately represents Sonoma County Patriots hearts and goals.
- Information Accountability Committee: Sonoma County Patriot(s) team to gather/assemble specific information designed to bring accountability to all Sonoma County Supervisor/City Councils/Mayor candidates and incumbents and to educate the community about how UN Agenda 21 is designed to take our rights, freedom and property and about how Conservative governance protects and secures our rights and liberty; Coordinates with Art/Meme Committee to create comprehensive, easy-to-understand bullet-point handouts.
Coordinate with other committees to share information and compile relevant/pertinent platform-related information which can be used by Art/Meme Committee.
- Agenda 21 Committee: Sonoma County Patriot(s) team to become familiar with all UN Agenda 21 goals, the means the Communists intend to use to accomplish their goals and why they are unconstitutional and work against the USA so that all Sonoma County Patriots can inform others in brief but point-blank conversations about the dangerous and anti-American hostility of Agenda 21 goals; coordinates with Art/Meme Committee to create bullet point handouts.
Gather UN Agenda 21 goals and the means for accomplishing those goals, information which reveals how incredibly unconstitutional is the implementation of UN Agenda 21; helps Art/Meme Committee create informational handouts which are convicting and revealing about those persons who are currently signed on and implementing UN Agenda 21 here in Sonoma County (Mayors, Supervisors, City Council members, School Board members).
More coming…
June 22, 2020 ~
In a matter of a few days, Sonoma County Patriots Facebook group has gathered up 48 strong and faithful Patriots who are prepared to engage in a level of Activism not seen in this neck of the woods in my lifetime and we have 18 applicants in the wings, waiting for our scrutiny and approval!
We are praising God for this group of strong Patriots and look forward to systematically removing the radical anti-American Liberal Communists who have infected our local government and replacing them with Constitutional Patriots who love the United States of America! Send me, Lord, send me!
June 18, 2020 by AmericanNation.net Publisher PAT RIOT ~
Taking our community back for the American people, one city at a time. Working en masse to remove and replace every single “public servant” who refuses to honor their oath of office to “protect the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic”.
Working to expose anti-American City Councilpeople and county Supervisors who are pushing the hostile-to-America UN Agenda 21 at county, city and township levels, first in Sonoma County, and then we will make this “rehabilitiation of government” process accessible to Patriots across the nation to facilitate a national rehabilitation of leaders from Liberal Communists to Constitutional Patriots.
It all starts here, and it all starts now.