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No Democrats, No Failure

It’s true: Know Democrats, know failure. No Democrats, no failure. California. Baltimore. Chicago. Los Angeles. Detroit. Oakland. New York City. (Everyone now: “New York City?!”) Yes. All are complete failures. All are Democrat Party-run cities/states, and have been run by Democrats for decades now. It’s not (necessarily) because Democrats are bad people ; it’s because Democrats are bad leaders.  From Fact:  The top-ten American cities for homelessness are sanctuary cities, which offer refuge to illegal immigrants, do not cooperate with federal law enforcement, and raise the price of low-rent housing for their citizens.  In this group are Los Angeles (55,000 homeless), Seattle (12,000), San Diego (9,000), San Jose (7,000), San Francisco (6,000), and Las Vegas (6,000)… Of the top-ten “most dangerous cities” in America, according to Forbes, all have Democratic mayors.  Those cities are Detroit, St. Louis, Oakland, Memphis, Birmingham, Atlanta, Baltimore, Stockton, Cleveland and Buffalo.” (Click here for full article at

There is something to be said for God (Bible), Family and country. Democrats hate all of those things. Their push to promote homosexuality is as much about hating children as it is about the right to have sex with whomever you like – which, by the way, America has passed laws to protect that right to their reckless sexual HIV/AIDS-infested sex-with-strangers decadence decades ago, so what’s the beef today? There isn’t one. Narcissistic Personality Disorder just demands that they demand our attention anyway. And the radical Communist extremist Leftwing media’s pushing homosexuality and the confusion of “Transgender” ideas is also how Communists try to tear down traditional American family values, to present serious chronic mental illness to America’s children in public schools and to the the rest of us, pretending such behavior is “normal” and promote an extremely self-centered and violent lifestyle which cannot produce children.  Just because the homosexual community bullied the APA into removing homosexuality as a mental illness from the DSM IV diagnostic manual doesn’t make it any less of a mental illness, as evidenced by the slide from coming-out-of-the-closet homosexuality into now trying to push Pedophilia and child prostitution on American culture. Democrats have presented bills which, if passed, will legalize both Pedophilia and child prostitution now. If that isn’t a red flag that these people are not “normal” or healthy, we at AN don’t know what is.  Editor’s note: We at AN don’t judge homosexuality or condemn it. It’s your life and we support everyone’s right to live it however they like, provided they don’t create victims. AN is simply pointing out the obvious effort by NWO-owned media, Democrat Party leaders and unholy Hollywood Pedophiles to force the rest of us to accept homosexuality, cross-dressing, child prostitution and Pedophilia as “normal” and promote sexual deviancy and serious mental illness to children in public schools, and we vehemently oppose such efforts. Pat Riot, Editor

Democrats are stuck on stupid. That is the crux of the Democrat Party’s problem. They are the kids in school who wanted to be liked, but weren’t liked. They are the people who were so full of arrogance and low self-esteem that the rest of us simply didn’t want to be around them. Guess what: Nothing’s changed.

Godless Communism has never been attractive to normal Americans, and calling them “Liberals” or “Progressives” hasn’t changed who or how they are. They are Godless Communists and they are as arrogant and self-absorbed as only Godless Communists can be. No humility. No real compassion. No kindness unless they want your vote, and then when voting is over, the kindness is over, too. No honesty. No wisdom. No common sense. That’s today’s Democrat Party. These people have never learned how to love who they are, which is why they demand that we love who they are, even when we don’t. The Enemy is making a mockery of Atheism and Democrats, and Democrats have completely lost all self-control and appear completely powerless to stop themselves from their radical decline into chronic hate and hostility toward America and Americans.

So what do you do when that arrogant arsehole is at your party, and no one wants to talk to them because they’re loud and obnoxious and their behavior is out of control? You find a way to uninvite them. You call their mom to pick them up.

In this case, however, their is no “Mom” to call, so we must find a way to uninvite them to this party that is The United States of America. And just how do we do that, you might ask? Simple: We secure our ballot boxes and we stop voting for Democrats.

  1. Secure our ballot boxes: California is a perfect example of a state who has allowed the Democrat Party to run amok, to cheat, to lie and to steal from the American public, using taxpayer dollars to facilitate it all and to use voter fraud to win elections. When Democrats exclusively run the government – San Francisco (or “San Poopcisco” as some of us call the new Gavin Newsom-created Human excrement capital of the world), Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit,  Philadelphia, New York – corruption, despair, homelessness, financial bankruptcy, theft of public funds all rage out of control. Rage, by the way, is the tool that Liberals/Democrats use in their effort to intimidate the rest of us. Like Bullies on the play-ground – (which none of these pathetic sots were, by the way; these folks were the icky Wormy kids on the play-ground, icky, self-absorbed, angry, always demanding that “Look at me! Look at me!”, effing up the rare opportunities to commune with the normal kids so the next opportunity became even more rare) – but like Bullies on the playground, these Jackass Party societal outcasts scream and yell and get in peaceful Prolife women’s faces and attack elderly peaceful protesters, and they use violence and made up Terrorist groups like Antifa to try to terrorize peaceful assemblies and they demand that those who still waste their time watching Mainstream Fake News believe what they’re told to believe.   

We the People (not to be confused with Democrat Party loonies) need to secure our ballot boxes, take ballot counting out of the hands of government and organize as U.S. Citizens to count America’s ballots. The effort is being made in California to petition the state for such a goal. and (both down for construction right now – check back) both advocate for We the People to take control of our nation’s ballot counting. Let us expound on that idea: We at propose that each state form a rotating volunteer Citizen’s Committee and coordinate with a volunteer rotating system of Churches who never let the ballot boxes out of their collective sight.  That is, each election cycle, a random group of churches and Synagogues are chosen – perhaps by lottery – to take control of each county’s ballot boxes. That way, church leaders are less likely to be bribed by Democrat Party agents to commit voter fraud like the DP does now.

2. We simply stop voting for Democrat Party candidates, which, btw, We the People who are American Patriots already have. The reason the Democrats want to (a) lower the voting age and (b) allow illegals to vote is because they know that AMERICANS DON’T VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS ANYMORE. Do you understand that? Democrats are pushing for 17 year-olds and illegal aliens to have the right to vote because healthy, patriotic Americans have abandoned the Democrat Party lunatics completely and because both 17 year-olds and Illegal criminals are easily manipulated: 17 year-olds have just endured 12 years of Communist/Democrat/Liberal indoctrination in America’s public school system and have been groomed to support the Socialist (ie Communist) ideals their teachers have shoved into their gullible, impressionable little heads and Illegal Aliens will vote Democrat because the Democrat Party has invited them to the table, a table chock full of freebies, benefits, money, etc. and The Rats advocate for open borders, and Illegal Aliens see open borders as a way to go back and forth, stealing and pillaging America to take back home to Mexico. If the Democrats stood a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning an election in America fairly, they would not be trying to bring children and/or criminals to vote.

When you know Democrats, you know what failure looks like. When there are no Democrats, there is no failure in our communities. It’s that simple. The Democrat Party is corrupt, anti-American, and have become Traitors to our nation, pawns for the New World Order Communists, and it’s time to retire all Democrat freeloaders and manipulators from Congress. In fact, it’s way past time.

Be blessed, and be a blessing. Be a part of making America great again. Be sure to vote for the candidate who will make and keep America great again.


Pat Riot, Editor/Journalist/American Patriot

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