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Democrat Party Assault on America

September 8, 2020 – By Pat Riot, Publisher ~

Democrat Party Assault on America, part 1: PEDOPHILES IN AMERICA – It’s not a coincidence that we’re in an election year and all of this terrorism is taking place. One simply needs to look at the past 4 years to see who is responsible for this assault on America and Americans.  Desperation Politics has driven the Democrat Party since Trump was elected in 2016, with Democrats using the NWO Media to wage a concerted assault on President Donald Trump and launch hoax after hoax after hoax and then, not coincidentally, COVID-19 was released worldwide after Jeffrey Epstein was arrested and Epstein’s “Lolita Express” flight logs to Epstein’s Pedophile Island were confiscated by law enforcement.

Our unanimous conclusion here at is that Epstein’s arrest directly triggered the COVID-19 release and attack, a panic move designed to cover up for the NWO Globalists and American Pedophiles of the Democrat Party, the Mainstream Media, the Washington DC and Globalist Corporations ‘elite’, and Hollywood producers and actors and actresses.  Without exception, we all agree on this.

COVID wasn’t “nature”. COVID was germ warfare, designed by Fauci employees in Fauci’s CDC laboratories and then subcontracted to China in 2017, with the goal being to panic and terrorize the entire world, in part because the Pedophile Network was/is desperate not to be discovered and partly because this NWO Bilderberg Group has been planning on and working to implement their United Nations “One World Government” dictatorship for decades. This decades-old child trafficking ring, which includes abducting children, holding children hostage, raping these abducted little boys and girls and murdering these boys and girls once they have been so brutally assaulted they cannot survive without medical care, satisfies the degenerate Pedophiles sick sexual desires and allows the NWO Globalists to harvest the chemical compound called Adrenochrome from these terrorized children, to which many of these ‘elite’ are addicted. Now you know.

Once you know, you cannot NOT know, and we know about this human sex/child trafficking ring now. The Trump Administration has been investigating and has arrested Jeffrey Epstein’s partner/business partner Ghislaine Maxwell, who is being held in maximum security right now and suddenly scores of children are being rescued every day worldwide, without a single word from the NWO-owned Mainstream Media, who claims to be “The News”.

That’s right – the Mainstream Media isn’t reporting any of the rescues of these children which are taking place daily and worldwide since Maxwell was arrested. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Maxwell is cooperating with the Trump Administration and law enforcement and these abducted children are being rescued now, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the NWO Media is covering up for these Pedophiles right now. The Media doesn’t want you to know about these abducted children, even while they’re being rescued. That is a giant red flag to us here at AN.

The stories which these rescued children will have to tell will surely break our hearts, but the people behind these abductions and rapes will be rounded up and they will face the death penalty or life in prison for these horrendous crimes against Humanity, crimes against children and crimes borne in the pit of Hell.

You see, this isn’t “Politics as usual” going on here. This is Evil in action, and the Democrat Party, the Washington ‘elite’, the NWO Globalists/Bilderberg Group and the scumbags of Hollywood are not just Evil – they are sicker than the sickest person you’ve ever known. These people need to be removed from our society immediately, all of them. The only reason America stopped being safe in the 1960’s is because these wealthy Globalists started abducting our children, and children from all over the world.

This is where Evil stems from on this planet: NWO Globalists/Bilderberg Group Pedophiles, the Democrat Party Pedophiles, Hollywood producer, actor and actress Pedophiles. If you are so stupid as to vote for even one Democrat Party candidate this November, may God help you for your support of this horrendously evil group of people who abduct, torture, rape and murder America’s children.

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