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*All comments in this article are simply staff’s opinions and conclusions, based on astute observation of the facts over the past 33 years.

From BIG Welcome to, where we talk about the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and their Globalist Banker Terrorist Banker friends, openly and honestly. Upon closer scrutiny, many people believe that these two families, primarily, have waged a major, ongoing campaign to deceive the Masses and push false narratives in virtually every arena of our lives, in every nation on Earth. It’s not just “Fake News” we’re talking about. We’re talking about the “Big Bang” theory, in which they’ve convinced the Masses that this world is a spinning water ball, flying around the Sun at over 1,000mph, spinning on it’s axis at 66,600mph, and that the entire Solar System is flying through the Universe at over 1 million miles per hour – none of which is true – or provable.

We’re talking about their Big Pharma “medicine”, too, in which the side effects are worse than the original ailment, because the side effects are the real goals and purposes of these “medicines”, like mRNA, which we now know is POISON. “Died suddenly” was the goal, not a side effect.

We’re talking about these godless Terrorists trying to convince us that the Earth is a globe, a spinning water ball in which the water doesn’t fly off, despite (a) their claim that the Earth is spinning (it’s not) at “66,600mph”, and (b) despite water ALWAYS laying FLAT, everywhere on Earth and the fact that the Earth is 70% WATER, which means the Earth is AT LEAST 70% flat. The Earth is flat and stationary, as we can all see with our own two eyes. We ALL believed the Earth is a globe at one time, because we were all TAUGHT THAT when we were 5 years old and images have been put in our textbooks, College Professors teach the heliocentric model because THEY were taught that at 5 years old too. The Earth is not spinning. It’s not a globe. Water proves that. We need to wake up from the delusions these families have forced on us all and se what is REAL now.

These two families appear so intent on conning people into believing that there is no Creator, that Creation didn’t happen, that Jesus Christ is not who He said He is, and that we are all insignificant and “Useless Eaters”, wasting the Earth’s resources, that they’ve conjured up a set of UNPROVABLE LIES and used their media organizations and public schools to repeat those lies, again and again and again, until we all believed that their lies are true. They are NOT true. Again, none of that is true, and Americans and people worldwide are waking up to the BS and nonsense these Globalist Terrorists are selling.

These Terrorists appear desperate to convince us that there is no God, and that everything came from nothing, which is physically impossible. They have a plan, you see, to rule the world one day (UN Agenda 21, published in 1992 for all to see – read it for yourself – click here*), but they know that Christians won’t be ruled by Tyrants. We simply won’t recognize any Man as the ultimate authority on Earth, because Man is NOT the ultimate authority on Earth; God, our Creator, is the Ultimate Authority on Earth. Because Christians don’t fear death, Christians cannot be controlled like the godless Masses can be controlled – the Terrorists call the Masses “Useless Eaters” – so now you know why they’re so nonchalant about killing you all off. The truth is that we are the apple of God’s eye, and we all have a significant and unique place in this world and in this Life. We are God’s Children and we matter. “For I know the plans I have for you”, says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 We matter to God – our Creator; we just don’t matter to BIG LIAR, but there are reasons for that.

The horizon is flat, world wide. Water always seeks it’s LEVEL, not it’s “curve”.

One reason is that BIG LIAR is involved in history’s most sinister and evil operation imaginable. They have been abducting children worldwide and holding the children hostage, to be raped and tortured endlessly, or until they die. This Child Trafficking operation began in Europe, but has since moved to North America and South America, and millions of children have disappeared over time, to be the victims of the Big Liar families and their co-conspirator Central Banker friends. That is part of the real Rothschild/Rockefeller legacy.

So all of that means that, to BIG LIAR, who owns virtually every major publishing corporation on Earth, an ongoing campaign must be waged to convince the Masses that God didn’t create them; that they were the result of “Evolution” – of which there is absolutely no evidence – and they evolved from some “primordial ooze” which suddenly and magically came into being and “evolved” into the creatures we see populating the Earth today – including Mankind – after the “Big Bang”, of which there is no evidence whatsoever. Every person on Earth, including the millions of babies who were murdered by “abortion”, were “fearfully and wonderfully made”, in God’s image, NOT just a random mutation from primordial ooze. Our Creator knows every hair on our heads – every one of us. For those who don’t know Jesus yet – and one day we will ALL meet Him face to face – I understand their not knowing that God’s Word is the truth. But that shouldn’t stop the rest of us from moving forward in the Truth WE know, and coming against these evil, godless Terrorist families in order to eliminate them from our culture. That’s right – I said “eliminate them from our culture”. They are poisoning us in our skies, in our food, in the poisonous “medicine” they conjured up in their Big Pharma laboratories. They are poisoning us with RADIATION in so many ways now, including the supposed “5G Towers” that dot every city and town in America. Frankly, I’m surprised any of those radiation weapons are still standing. It’s been reported worldwide that they are using those “5G” radiation weapons to assault us all with more than 100G radiation while we sleep. Wake up, you gullible people!

BIG LIAR families have been waging this war against Christianity and against Christians for hundreds of years now. It’s not new. Most Christians have no idea this war is even going on. Many don’t even know who the Rothschilds or Rockefellers ARE. That’s how effective BIG LIAR propaganda has been for centuries, keeping the Masses in the dark about who they are, and about most everything. The shape of the Earth, “Space”, which doesn’t exist, history, which has been rewritten by BIG LIAR families over the centuries to push ridiculous notions like “Gravity”, which doesn’t exist, the Moon landing which never took place. Many Researchers believe that every significant assassination has been the work of BIG LIAR, as well, as they have eliminated every person they consider a threat to their godless empire. The Masses have been so effectively brainwashed that many people reject the idea that the Earth is flat and stationary, even though they can see that with their own eyes at every horizon and every beach on Earth. Nothing is spinning. No rockets are going into their imaginary “Space”. Rockets – all rockets, from every nation and SpaceX – end up in the Ocean… every freaking time.

The lies are extensive, and most people in the civilized world have been lied to by BIG LIAR for their entire lives. So well-brainwashed are the Masses, that they even allowed BIG LIAR to inject them with a bioweapon called mRNA, even while independent doctors worldwide were warning them not take the shots. BIG LIAR owns virtually every major corporate hospital in the First World, as well as all major pharmaceutical corporations, and using their media – yes, they own the entire global Mainstream Media – they effectively waged a fear-mongering campaign which scared millions of people into taking injections which completely destroy their Immune Systems. Nothing we could say would wake the Masses up – they’re too brainwashed to reach, now.

BUT FOR THE REST OF US ~ So the onus to save our own lives and to save Mankind from these maniacal families is on US, the unvaccinated. These families have literally compromised our entire government, which, by the way, is no longer a government of the people, for the people and by the people. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers have used Pedophiles in a very effective way: They’ve made them Senators and Representatives in the U.S. Congress, and these politicians will do whatever they’re told in order not to be exposed, becoming incredibly wealthy – paid by the Globalist Terrorists – in the process.

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So, like 1776, it is up to the people to reclaim our freedom and our Liberty from these Globalist Terrorist families now. The DOJ is compromised, like the FBI, CIA, NSA, FDA, FCC and every other 3 letter agency in the U.S. government. It is up to US to protect ourselves from the RADIATION TOWERS these Terrorists have planted in all of our cities and towns and to protect ourselves and our families from the PROCESSED FOODS and POISONOUS “MEDICINES” that these Terrorist families have produced over the years, using our TAXPAYER DOLLARS to do it all. It is up to US to stop eating the poisonous processed food these Terrorist families have been manufacturing for decades. It’s up to US to stop giving our babies these “vaXXines” that have caused millions of cases of Autism, ADHD and other violent reactions in our children’s bodies. It’s up to US to turn off our TV’S that are brainwashing us all for decades now. It’s up to US to eliminate the Globalist Terrorist families’ influence on our culture, and it starts and ends with US. So let’s get busy. More about how to do this at

*More about the Rothschild/Rockefeller sinister and diabolical UN Agenda 21plan to depopulate the Earth and establish a “one world government” aka ‘terrorist Dictatorship’, click here and here.

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