From BIG TRUTH.net ~ This Q meme from 2018 ends with “Justice coming”… and yet… No justice. What’s happened since then? Nothing but distractions. Obama caught spying. That’s Treason. Hillary destroying Congressional subpoenaed evidence. That’s Treason. Pelosi staging the fraudulent Jan. 6 fake “Insurrection” and murdered peaceful Veteran Ashley Babbit. WTF, Q? Where is the “Justice”? I’m not seeing it.
THINKING OUT LOUD ~ Makes me wonder sometimes if we aren’t being played by both sides. Trump seems genuine, but so did many throughout history who did nothing but deceive the People. Have we seen even ONE arrest for Treason yet? Obama, Clinton, Pelosi OPENLY committing TREASON and getting CAUGHT with REAL EVIDENCE and yet… no justice.
It’s making me wonder if We the People just need to handle all of this ourselves. Eliminate the Middle Man, so to speak, because really, when you look at the facts, We have NO ONE in our corner anymore. No one. The trials are a big distraction. The Treason continues unabated and undeterred. Who is being played here again? Me thinks maybe WE are.
Well, I’ve always been ahead of the curve by at least a year, so most of you probably aren’t ready to even CONSIDER what I just wrote. So be it. I am prepared. And I think 90 million Patriots should be gathering and connecting NOW as an independent American Militia, before this Shadow Government gets too many of their UN Army inside our border. Just my honest thoughts today. #FightOrDieAmerica 🇺🇸